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Gifted Program Information

Welcome to the Ozark Gifted Education Page!

The Ozark School District “KITES” Program (Kids in Talented Educational Studies) serves students grades 2 through 12 who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas of intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership and academic performance.

The following goals of the program drive the academic objectives presented to students:

  • The gifted learner will acquire a superior level of knowledge and skills to gather, analyze, interpret, and critique information and ideas with an advanced degree of independence.
  • The gifted learner will acquire an advanced level of knowledge and skills to communicate high levels of thought within and beyond the classroom.
  • The gifted learner will acquire a wide range of knowledge and thinking skills to recognize and solve personal and real-world problems in diverse ways.
  • The gifted learner will acquire an advanced level of knowledge and skills to make informed decisions in order to act as a sensitive and responsible member of our global society. 

The District has developed a process to identify students for eligibility in the Gifted Education Program.  The process of screening occurs at each site and is facilitated by our school guidance counselors.  Once screening has been completed parents of eligible students are notified.  If permission is granted further individual evaluation is conducted to determine eligibility for the program.  District counselors and other qualified evaluators conduct the testing at the conclusion of each school year and test for approximately one week. Those students who are not available during this window of time are scheduled individually by our evaluators.

